Oasis Coming to a Screen Near You

Oasis Coming to a Screen Near You

Is there a screen big enough to contain the outsized egos of Brit rockers Noel and Liam Gallagher? We sure hope so! It’s hard to imagine a more amusing band: hair-obsessed as a Spinal Tapper, more argumentative than Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. And their music? Sonic leaps in joyful bounds. Let’s just say, they are appropriately […]

Smith Would Have Voted for Sanders

Smith Would Have Voted for Sanders

He visited Voltaire in Geneva, hung out with Ben Franklin in London, was best buds with fabled Scottish philosopher David Hume and wrote the book known as “the bible of capitalism,” “The Wealth of Nations.” Sounds pretty fancy! But anyone who’s read the feel-good manifesto of the free market knows that Adam Smith was no elitist; nor […]

Giuliani: Muslims Ready for Their Coppola Close-Up

Giuliani: Muslims Ready for Their Coppola Close-Up

Speaking on “Morning Joe,” former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani made a case for Muslims being in a situation not unlike that in which Italian Americans found themselves in the heyday of the mafia. Giuliani vociferously defended “the majority of Muslims” as outstanding citizens, but stuck to his premise that they are a community where the […]